What to expect on Sunday

A warm welcome

You’ll be greeted by a friendly face at the front doors, and you’ll be handed a church bulletin by one of our friendly helpers and you can find a seat in one of our rows.

Child care

Mercy Hill Kids ministry opens at 9:45 am – they can get their name tags from the Check In Station in the lobby and join their friends in the Gradeschool room (ClubHouse) and the Nursery (for babies through 5 years old).

Worship & teaching

We’ll have worship, a great teaching from our pastor, and a time of prayer.


We give generously as an act of worship, not under compulsion of any kind but out of a joyful heart. If you are giving your tithes & offering – you can give digitally or at one of our giving stations in the back of the sanctuary.


We’re usually finished with our services in about an hour and we encourage you to stick around and fellowship and say “HI” to other people at Mercy Hill.

If you’ll be a guest of ours, please do us a favor and fill out a “Connect Card” so we can send you an email or give you a call to thank you for coming and answer any questions you may have.